Translation Check by Chrouya Script: HDxD SP1.ass Workraw: Hdxd special 01.mkv * Asterisks implying comments* SIGN: 妄想爆揺解除オリジナルビデオ Vol.1 "Release the Swaying Delusions" Original Video Vol.1 ~海水浴、行きます~ ~We're going sea bathing~ 1 Today, the members of the Occult club are going sun bathing! *members = plural. Kaisuiyoku = sea bathing* 11 We're using the magic diagram to instantly go to an unpopulated island's sandy beaches. *Omission of a lot of words: Directly, Unpopulated Island, Sandy beach* 19 Of course! I'll gladly soak you thoroughly! *The sentence was "hai, sore ha mou amasu toko naku, nurasete itadakimasu tomo"* 29 *I can't make up anything out of this either. Maybe the word "Jigoku" which would mean hell...Maybe he's ironically saying "This is hell~" because he's a demon?* 36 Koneko-chan, wearing a blindfold is Japanese modesty when splitting watermelons, right?! 39 At the very least, close your eyes and aim for the watermelon! *contrast to sentence 36, so no blindfolds here. Also nerae=aim*